I recently went to Saratoga Springs, NY to take the waters at the Roosevelt Baths.
In mid 2015 driving to home to Long Island from Bridgeport, CT, I heard a radio show. It is called Natural Alternatives and is regularly hosted by Dr. Eugene Zampeiron, ND (Senior clinical professor at UBCNM and my advisor for this thesis) and Dr. Ellen Kamhi (the Natural Nurse), on WUSB 90.1 FM, the radio station at the Stony Brook University Campus. Dr. Kamhi was hosting and had on a guest who was talking about the healing waters of Saratoga Springs, NY. Their uses and the history of the springs at Saratoga. I was intrigued and I made a mental note to find out more but I never did get his name or website. I had attempted to find out but to no avail.
I had previously been to Saratoga Springsa few times and had taken the waters. I have had a hobby of taking the waters whenever possible. This predates my studies in Naturopathic Medicine at the University of Bridgeport by a few years. I decided to take a quick weekend sojourn to take the healing waters in Saratoga in November 2105. After taking a mineral bath at the Roosevelt baths I was waiting for my girlfriend, Dena Mastrangelo, to finish getting ready for our ride back to Connecticut and Long Island. I noticed a poster that listed a tour of the healing waters of Saratoga that was starting in 5 minutes; the last one of the weekend. We both went on this tour; well in about a minute of meeting the tour guide I realized that it was the gentleman who had spoke on Dr. Kamhi’s radio show. This was the serendipitous start to this thesis. Two years ago I declared that I wanted to research hydrotherapy for my thesis but had gone through many topics and stopped unenthused then this coincidental hearing and meeting of Trent Millet. His subsequent tour of the waters of Saratoga Springs brought me back to the study of water and how we might use the therapeutic waters of Saratoga Springs for specific disorders here the sequalae of Lyme Disease patients treated with Doxycycline. Thank you Dr. Zampeiron, Dr. Kamhi and Trent Millet for your enthusiasm and support of Natural Remedies and hydrotherapy in particular. I hope that we are able to bring back the therapeutic use of Saratoga Springs healing waters as an integral part of today’s medical treatment paradigm.
www.drznaturally.com for Dr. Eugene Zampeiron, ND
www.naturalnurse.com for Dr. Ellen Kamhi, PhD, RN
spiritflytrent@yahoo.com for Trent Millet and saratoga springs tours
www.Ecotoursforcures.com for Dr. Z and the natural nurse ethnobotany trips